
commis chef

Embarking on a career in the culinary world can be a thrilling yet challenging journey. Among the various positions within a professional kitchen, the role of a Commis Chef emerges as an excellent starting point. This role, often under-appreciated, forms the backbone of every kitchen’s operation. The duties of a Commis Chef are diverse and extensive, offering a broad exposure to the culinary world. It presents a unique learning opportunity, providing the foundational skills and knowledge necessary to climb the hierarchy of the kitchen. From assisting senior chefs to ensuring the smooth flow of ingredients, the Commis Chef’s position is integral to the overall success of a culinary establishment. This article aims to delve into the multifaceted world of a Commis Chef, detailing their responsibilities, required skills, potential earnings, and the pathway to stepping into this pivotal role.

What is a Commis Chef?

The term, translated from French, means ‘assistant chef’. As the title suggests, the Commis Chef role is primarily a supportive one, and it is indeed a stepping stone for individuals starting their culinary journey. Directed by the Chef de Partie, these novice chefs handle a variety of tasks, from basic food preparation to helping in plating dishes.

A Commis Chef is part of the kitchen staff responsible for making the kitchen function smoothly. While the tasks may initially be basic, such as prep work and cleaning, the position is designed to equip an aspiring chef with the necessary knowledge and skills in cooking, food preparation, kitchen hygiene, and teamwork. It is a role where one learns to understand and appreciate the importance of every small detail in the culinary world.

Types of Commis Chef

In larger kitchens and high-end service restaurants, the Commis Chef position is often divided into three distinct roles: Commis I, Commis II, and Commis III.

Commis I: These are the most experienced among the commis chefs. They are in charge of training Commis II and III chefs, ensuring they learn the necessary skills. A Commis I chef is expected to handle more complex tasks and has a better understanding of the kitchen’s inner workings.

Commis II: These chefs have some experience and are typically progressing from the basic duties of a Commis III chef. They are responsible for more prep work and may assist in cooking simple dishes.

Commis III: Often freshers in the field, Commis III chefs are novice chefs embarking on their culinary journey. They handle the most basic tasks, such as washing and chopping ingredients, under the guidance of more experienced kitchen staff.

The division of the Commis Chef role provides a structured path for progression, each step offering a deeper understanding of the culinary process and a closer view of the fine art of cooking.

What Does a Commis Chef Do?

The responsibilities and duties of a Commis Chef extend beyond merely supporting the other chefs in a commercial kitchen. This diverse role encompasses several key aspects that are pivotal to the kitchen’s operation.

Assisting Other Chefs

One of the Commis Chef’s primary roles is to assist other chefs. Whether it’s a Sous Chef or a Chef de Partie, a Commis Chef steps in to ensure that the workflow in the kitchen remains uninterrupted. This assistance can vary from preparing meal ingredients to helping in the final plating of dishes.

Handling Deliveries

A Commis Chef may also be tasked with the responsibility of handling deliveries. This duty involves checking and verifying the quality of food items received, ensuring adherence to health and safety regulations, and organizing the stock.

Preparing Ingredients

A significant part of a Commis Chef’s role involves preparing ingredients for various meals. This could entail washing, peeling, and chopping vegetables and fruits, measuring and mixing seasonings, and prepping meats. It’s crucial for a Commis Chef to prepare these ingredients to the chef’s exact specifications to ensure consistency in the dishes.

Stock Rotation

In order to maintain the freshness of ingredients in a commercial kitchen, a Commis Chef also helps with stock rotation. This means they need to properly organize and rotate food items to optimize their use and minimize waste.

Learning and Training

One of the most significant aspects of the Commis Chef’s role is the opportunity to learn and expand their culinary skills. They engage in various kitchen operations and perform under the guidance of seasoned chefs, which allows them to continually improve and grow in their profession.

Cleaning Stations

Finally, a vital, albeit less glamorous duty of a Commis Chef, is to maintain cleanliness. Keeping the kitchen stations clean and organized is a critical aspect of food safety and smooth kitchen operations. Whether it’s cleaning utensils, disposing of waste, or sanitizing work surfaces, these tasks are crucial to a well-run kitchen.

Commis Chef Job Description

When hiring for a Commis Chef position, restaurants and businesses seek certain specific skills and qualifications in candidates. The following sections outline the main responsibilities of the role as well as the skills and requirements commonly requested during the hiring process.


  • Assist the kitchen’s senior staff, helping to ensure that operations run smoothly.
  • Handle the preparation of meal ingredients, including washing, peeling, cutting, and seasoning food items.
  • Oversee the reception of deliveries, organize stock, and are responsible for stock rotation to ensure fresh ingredients are always available.
  • Keep their workstations and the kitchen area clean, adhering to health and safety regulations.

Requirements & Skills

  • Qualification: Although not always required, having a culinary degree or relevant certification can be advantageous.
  • Organizational skills: The ability to organise and multitask effectively is crucial, given the fast-paced nature of kitchen operations.
  • Hard-working and passionate: As the role often involves long hours and can be physically demanding, it’s essential for the candidate to be hardworking and passionate about their work.
  • Teamwork skills: A Commis Chef must operate efficiently as part of a team, cooperating with various kitchen staff.
  • Communication skills: Good communication skills are essential to effectively understand instructions and collaborate with the team.

The Average Salary of a Commis Chef

Commis Chefs, as novice chefs who work their way up in the culinary industry, have earnings that can greatly vary.

The average salary of a Commis Chef largely depends on the type of restaurant they work in, the location of the establishment, and their previous experience. Generally, employers offer a higher wage in fine dining establishments or in locations with a high cost of living.

As of the most recent data, the average salary of a Commis Chef in the United States is approximately $46,477 per year, according to talent.com. It’s important to note that as one gains experience and completes further culinary training, the potential for increased earnings can substantially rise.

How to Become a Commis Chef?

The journey to become a chef begins with the initial step of becoming a Commis Chef. This role provides a comprehensive learning experience, introducing individuals to the ins and outs of a bustling kitchen environment. Here are some steps to consider if you’re looking to step into the shoes of a Commis Chef.

Acquire Basic Knowledge and Skills

Before entering the culinary world, having a basic understanding of food preparation and kitchen operations is beneficial. This knowledge includes understanding different types of restaurant service, types of menu, mastering knife skills, and being aware of kitchen safety protocols.

Pursue Formal Education

Although not a strict requirement, formal culinary education can provide a significant boost. Culinary school introduces students to a variety of cuisines, cooking techniques among other things.

Work Experience

Experience in a kitchen environment, even in a lower capacity role such as a kitchen porter, can be extremely advantageous. It allows individuals to become familiar with the pace and pressures of a working kitchen, and helps them gain valuable hands-on experience.

Develop Essential Skills

As a Commis Chef, it is crucial to demonstrate excellent organizational skills and efficiency. The ability to work neatly, tidily, and quickly under pressure is vital. Furthermore, developing good communication skills will assist in effectively taking instructions from supervisors and working harmoniously with the rest of the kitchen staff.

Seek an Entry-Level Position

Typically, individuals start their journey as Commis III chefs, gradually progressing to Commis I over approximately 18 months. Once you’ve acquired some basic experience and developed your skills, start applying for entry-level Commis Chef positions.

Remember, the role of a Commis Chef is not just about preparing ingredients; it’s about continuously learning, improving, and working towards becoming a proficient chef.

Kitchen Positions and Hierarchy

In most professional kitchens, roles are divided into specific positions, each with its own set of responsibilities. Here’s a breakdown of the common types of chefs in a professional kitchen, listed in descending order of seniority.

Executive Chef

The Executive Chef is at the top of the kitchen hierarchy. They are responsible for overseeing the entire kitchen, from creating menus and managing staff to maintaining quality and managing the kitchen’s budget.

Sous Chef

Reporting directly to the Executive Chef, the Sous Chef plays a vital role in the kitchen. They act as the Executive Chef’s right hand, managing kitchen staff, ensuring food quality, and stepping in for the Executive Chef when necessary.

Chef de Partie

The Chef de Partie or Line Cook is in charge of a specific area of production in the kitchen. Under the direction of the Sous Chef, they manage a small team and ensure their station operates efficiently. Subcategories include the Pastry Chef who specializes in desserts and pastries, and the Saucier Chef who excels in making sauces.

Chef tournant

A chef tournant, also known as a relief chef or swing cook, is an experienced chef who “turns” or rotates through the different stations in the kitchen. The tournant is expected to know how to work each station efficiently, stepping in to assist or replace other chefs as needed. This role requires a comprehensive understanding of the kitchen’s operations and a high level of skill in various cooking techniques.

Commis Chef

Commis Chefs are novice chefs who work under the Chef de Partie, learning the ins and outs of a specific station. They assist in the preparation of food and carry out basic cooking tasks in every section of the kitchen.


Cuisiniers are skilled cooks who operate under the Chef de Partie or Line Cook, assisting in their specific section. They work closely with the Commis Chefs, often acting as a bridge between them and the Chef de Partie.

Prep Cooks

Prep Cooks, often fresh recruits, start their culinary journey under the guidance of the Commis Chefs. Their tasks include initial food preparation and maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen. Check out this article to learn more about the difference between chef vs cook.


The role of a Commis Chef, while challenging, is a stepping stone to a fulfilling culinary career. This position offers novice chefs a platform to learn, grow, and demonstrate their passion for the culinary arts. Remember, being tidy, efficient, and hard-working is as important as possessing culinary skills. Practice continually, not just to prepare for the interview, but to make the most of this opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace every challenge as a chance to improve, and every feedback as a tip to refine your craft. With dedication and persistence, a Commis Chef can climb the culinary ladder to greater heights.

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