

Every successful culinary venture, whether it’s a renowned restaurant or a mobile food truck, relies on a well-equipped, health code-compliant, and versatile kitchen. Behind the scenes of many gastronomic successes is a unique solution – the commissary kitchen. This model helps businesses efficiently prepare, cook, and store food, providing a sturdy backbone to support their innovative offerings. This article will take a deep dive into the realm of commissary kitchens, exploring their purpose, benefits, drawbacks, types, costs, and more. It will also discuss who uses these kitchens and why they are critical in today’s food industry.

What Is A Commissary Kitchen?

What Does Commissary Kitchen Mean?

A commissary kitchen, in essence, operates as a “kitchen as a service“. It is a commercial-grade, shared kitchen space that business owners or entrepreneurs can lease to cook, prepare, and store food for their own food businesses. Typically larger and more equipped than your average restaurant kitchen, it provides a variety of essential pieces of equipment that one may need for a thriving culinary endeavor.

A commissary kitchen is often utilized by those who don’t own or have access to their own commercial kitchen space, such as food trucks, mobile caterers, or entrepreneurs launching a new food business. It’s a sort of a home base, where one can prepare a menu, cook in bulk, store ingredients and fully cooked items, and clean up, all under one roof.

This model, essentially, lets you rent a fully equipped kitchen without the significant overhead costs of owning or managing a brick-and-mortar establishment. Moreover, many commissary kitchens are flexible and can accommodate various types of food businesses, from a burgeoning baker to an ambitious mobile restaurant owner.

History and Evolution of Commissary Kitchens

The history of commissary kitchens traces back to the rise of the food truck industry. In the early stages, food truck owners had to grapple with the challenges of finding suitable spaces to prepare and store their food. They needed a commercial kitchen that could be used as a base, and thus, the concept of the commissary kitchen was born.

Commissary kitchens started as basic spaces where food truck owners could prep, cook, and store food safely and efficiently. Over time, these kitchens evolved to accommodate the growing needs of a variety of food businesses, expanding beyond the food truck realm to include caterers, bakers, ghost kitchens, pop-up restaurants, and more.

Today, commissary kitchens are much more than mere cooking spaces. They provide an array of services like waste disposal, food storage, parking, and even business consulting. They are essentially an ecosystem where a tenant can access everything they need to run their food business efficiently, freeing them to focus on crafting delicious dishes and growing their customer base. This continuous evolution is what makes the commissary kitchen such an invaluable asset in today’s dynamic food industry.

How Do Commissary Kitchens Work?

At their core, commissary kitchens operate as an intermediary between food entrepreneurs and the need for a commercial kitchen space. Essentially, they function as a landlord for culinary tenants, offering a ‘Kitchen as a Service’ (KaaS) model.

The ‘Kitchen as a Service’ model is more than just offering kitchen space; it’s about providing amenities to support the business needs of the food entrepreneurs. Commissary kitchens offer a variety of services, from food storage to cleaning, waste disposal, and even delivery services.

For a food truck owner, the kitchen might provide parking and maintenance for the truck. For a caterer, it could provide large refrigeration or freezer space. For a virtual restaurant, it might offer food delivery services.

Overall, the aim of a commissary kitchen is to make it easier, and often cheaper, for food entrepreneurs to operate their businesses efficiently. They allow these business owners to focus on their passion: creating great food and delivering it to their customers, while the commissary handles the backend logistics.

Who Uses Commissary Kitchens?

Commissary kitchens are designed to support a wide range of food businesses. Let’s look at who makes use of these versatile spaces.

1. Food Trucks

A food truck requires a base to prepare their food and maintain high sanitation standards. Commissary kitchens provide this foundation, offering a space where food truck owners can cook their dishes, clean up, and even park their food truck overnight.

2. Ghost Kitchens

Ghost kitchens, the popular virtual restaurants that only offer delivery, find commissary kitchens an excellent fit. These kitchens provide the necessary commercial space without the overhead costs associated with maintaining a dine-in restaurant.

3. Restaurant Chains

Restaurant chains may also use commissary kitchens to prep food on a large scale. This setup allows them to maintain consistency across their outlets and efficiently manage the supply of prepped food during their normal business hours.

4. Concession Stands

Concession stands, usually operating at event spaces, benefit from using commissary kitchens where food service can be prepared before the event and transported to the stand.

5. Pop-up Restaurants

Pop-up restaurants, given their transient nature, find commissary spaces advantageous. They can prep and cook in the kitchen before transporting the food to the pop-up location to start selling.

6.  Caterers

Caterers need ample space and equipment to prepare food for large events. Commissary kitchens offer these, along with flexible time slots that caterers can book according to their event schedules.

7. Bakers

Bakers, particularly those without a storefront, also find value in using commissary kitchens. The space offers the necessary commercial-grade baking equipment, preparation space, and storage facilities for their baking needs.

In essence, commissary kitchens serve as a hub for a broad spectrum of food businesses, each finding unique value in the amenities these spaces offer.

The Pros and Cons Of Commissary Kitchens

Like any business decision, opting to use a commissary kitchen has its benefits and drawbacks. Understanding these will help in deciding if renting a commissary kitchen is the right choice for your business.

Pros of Commissary Kitchens

1. Access to Professional Equipment: Using a commissary kitchen gives you access to professional-grade appliances and specialized tools that you might not have been able to afford otherwise.

2. Compliance with Health Regulations: Commissary kitchens are designed to comply with health and safety regulations. This means you won’t have to worry about meeting local laws and health codes on your own.

3. Affordable: Renting a commissary kitchen is usually more affordable than setting up your own commercial kitchen. It eliminates the need for long-term property commitments and significant upfront investment.

4. Flexibility: Commissary kitchens often offer flexibility in terms of rental time. Whether you need the kitchen for a few hours each day or require a more permanent setup, you can find one to suit your needs.

5. Storage Space: Besides cooking space, commissaries often provide storage space for ingredients, finished products, and even your mobile food unit.

6. Community: A shared space often fosters a sense of community, where renters can connect with other food entrepreneurs, share ideas, and collaborate.

Cons of Commissary Kitchens

1. Shared Space: The biggest advantage of using a commissary kitchen can also be its biggest downside. Shared space means you might have to work around other businesses’ schedules, and you’d need to be comfortable working in an environment where others are present.

2. Limited Customization: Given that the space is shared, you’re limited in customizing the kitchen to your specific needs.

3. Distance: If the commissary kitchen is not near your delivery area or sales location, it could add to your transportation time and costs.

4. Hidden Costs: While the base rent may seem affordable, remember to account for potential hidden costs. These could include costs for extra storage, additional hours, or specialized equipment.

5. Competition: In areas where food trucks and ghost kitchens have gained popularity, securing a slot in a commissary kitchen may be competitive.

By weighing these pros and cons, you can determine whether a commissary kitchen fits your business model and can meet your operational needs. As with any significant decision, due diligence is crucial. Consider your business needs, do your research, and visit potential commissaries to get a feel for what they offer.

Types of Commercial Kitchens

Shared Commercial Kitchen

Shared commercial kitchens are the cornerstone of the commissary kitchen concept. Here, multiple food entrepreneurs co-use the kitchen space at different times, sharing resources and often fostering a communal atmosphere.

For a budding food entrepreneur, this setup can be a great starting point. You’ll have access to professional-grade equipment without the hefty price tag. However, it’s crucial to consider that you’ll be sharing the space, so you’ll need to work around the kitchen’s schedule and the other chefs.

Private Commercial Kitchen

A private commercial kitchen is a step up from a shared one. In this setup, you’re renting a dedicated space within a larger commissary. You still benefit from the communal amenities, but you have your private area where you can set up as you please.

This option can be a fantastic fit if you’ve grown your business and need more space or want more control over your environment. However, this often comes at a higher cost versus shared kitchens.

Renting a Restaurant’s Kitchen

In some cases, restaurants rent out their kitchens during off-hours to generate extra income. This can be an excellent opportunity for a food entrepreneur operating during non-peak hours. You gain access to a fully-equipped, well-maintained kitchen that might otherwise be out of your budget.

However, it’s essential to consider the restaurant’s menu and cuisine. For example, if you’re a vegan chef, you may not want to cook in a kitchen where a lot of meat is prepared.

Non-traditional Commercial Kitchens

Lastly, non-traditional commercial kitchens are those located in unconventional spaces. Community centers, churches, and even schools might offer kitchen space for rent. These venues often come with basic kitchen equipment and can be cheaper options.

However, they might lack specialized equipment. For instance, if you run a food cart that needs to prepare and pack delivery orders, this type of kitchen may not be the best fit.

How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Commercial Kitchen?

Determining the cost of renting a commercial kitchen is crucial for budgeting and making the best decision for your business.

The cost of renting a commercial kitchen varies greatly, depending on factors like location, size, amenities, and whether it’s a shared or private space. In some cases, the commissary you’re renting may also charge additional fees for storage, specialized equipment, or extended hours.

Hourly Commercial Kitchen Rental Cost: is often associated with shared commercial kitchens, which provides flexibility, especially for those just starting their food business or those with varying operating hours. Hourly rates typically range from $15 to $40, though this can vary depending on the amenities offered.

Monthly Commercial Kitchen Rental Cost: is for more established businesses or those with consistent production needs, monthly rentals can be more economical and convenient. A private kitchen space within a commissary, for example, might charge anywhere from $250 to $1200 per month, depending on size, location, and additional services.

Non-traditional Commercial Kitchen Rental Cost: these kitchens, like those in community centers or churches, typically offer lower rates. These spaces might charge a flat daily or hourly fee, but the cost savings might come with compromises in terms of equipment and availability.

How To Rent a Commercial Kitchen?

If you’re a food entrepreneur looking to rent a commercial kitchen, the process may seem daunting at first. But, by following a step-by-step approach, you can navigate this task efficiently and secure the perfect kitchen for your business.

Step 1: Assess Your Needs

Firstly, it’s essential to understand your specific needs. Consider the type of cooking you’ll be doing, the equipment required, how much space you need, and when you need to use the kitchen. Understanding these factors will guide your search and help you choose the most suitable commercial kitchen.

Step 2: Budget

Establish your budget before you start looking. This helps to narrow down your options and ensures you’re looking at kitchens you can afford.

Step 3: Research and Viewings

Begin your search for available commercial kitchens in your preferred area. There are online platforms dedicated to connecting food entrepreneurs with commercial kitchen rentals. Make a shortlist and arrange for viewings. When visiting, pay close attention to the space, equipment, cleanliness, and ask about things like waste management, especially for greasy foods.

Step 4: Legalities

Ensure you understand the terms of the lease and all legal requirements. You may want to consult with a legal advisor to ensure all health and safety regulations are met and that the contract terms are fair.

Step 5: Make a Decision

Finally, make a decision based on your needs, budget, the kitchen’s condition, and the terms of the lease. Don’t rush this decision. Take the time to consider all your options.

Renting a commercial kitchen can be a big step, but by following these steps, you can simplify the process and find the perfect space for your food business. Remember, the goal is to find a kitchen that meets your needs, complies with all regulations, and contributes positively to your business operations and growth.

Why Food Trucks Should Use Commissary Kitchens?

For a food truck business, utilizing a commissary kitchen can prove incredibly advantageous. It provides several key benefits that can enhance their operations and efficiency.

Health Regulation Compliance

Complying with health and safety regulations is vital. Commissary kitchens adhere to these standards, which can help foodservice operators ensure their food truck business plan meets all legal requirements.

Waste Disposal

Food trucks often produce waste that requires specific disposal methods, particularly grease. Commissary kitchens are equipped with appropriate waste disposal systems, preventing possible legal and environmental issues.

Storage and Parking

Many commissaries offer overnight parking for food trucks, adding convenience and security. Plus, additional storage at the commissary can be useful for non-perishable items or supplies bought in bulk.

In the competitive world of food trucks, having an edge matters. Therefore, crafting a strong food truck marketing strategy or brainstorming unique food truck ideas are important. Using a commissary kitchen can be that differentiator, giving you the flexibility to focus on enhancing your offerings and reaching more customers.

While considering the use of a commissary kitchen, always keep in mind the overall costs associated with running a food truck. The benefits obtained from a commissary kitchen should contribute to making your food truck business more efficient and profitable.

Setting up a website for your restaurant

When setting up your restaurant, it’s crucial to explore ways to attract more customers to your restaurants. One effective way to do this is by having a dedicated website where your customers can learn everything about your restaurant anytime, anywhere.

Menubly lets you create a mini website with a built-in online menu which centralizes all important information about your restaurant into one accessible link. It makes it easy for your customers to interact with your restaurant: they can view your menu, find your location, book a table, place delivery orders… all in one place.

By adding your mini website link in your Instagram bio and other social media profiles, or sharing it directly with customers, you make it easy for them to discover and engage with your restaurant through a single, convenient link. This streamlined approach not only enhances customer experience but also boosts your online presence and attract more customers.

Best of all? You can set up your Menubly mini website for Free in just under 5 minutes and tailor it to match your restaurant’s style.

Ready to boost your restaurant’s online presence?  Click here to create your free website with Menubly!


The world of commissary kitchens is vast, catering to diverse food businesses from food trucks to restaurant chains, bakers to caterers. It’s a space where culinary creativity meets convenience and flexibility. The benefits are numerous, from ensuring compliance with health regulations, providing ample space and professional equipment, to offering a sense of community amongst food entrepreneurs. When deciding on a commissary kitchen for your business, it’s essential to consider your specific needs, budget, and business growth goals. With careful consideration, a commissary kitchen can become a valuable asset in your food enterprise’s journey towards success.