
benefits of qr code menu

In the ever-evolving world of hospitality, QR codes have emerged as a new technology, transforming the dining experience for both customers and restaurants alike. These QR codes, easily scanned by smartphones, have ushered in the era of QR code menu ordering, streamlining the ordering process and boosting efficiency. As a growing number of restaurants embrace this touchless menu technology, the hospitality industry is witnessing a shift toward seamless, user-friendly interactions between diners and their favorite establishments. By integrating QR code menus with their POS systems, restaurants can now offer an elevated dining experience that combines convenience and innovation.

QR Code Menu Explained

Definition of QR Code Menus

A QR code menu is a digital menu that is accessible through scanning a QR code with a smartphone camera. QR code menus have become popular in the restaurant industry as a way to provide customers with a contactless and convenient way to access the menu. The QR code typically takes the customer to a webpage where they can see the menu items and place their order, without needing to handle the physical print menus or interact with staff. This can help reduce the spread of germs and improve hygiene in dining environments.

Using QR code menus, restaurants can quickly and efficiently update their menu and make changes as needed. Restaurant QR code menu are also cost-effective as they eliminate the need for printing and distributing physical menus, which can be expensive.

How QR code menus work?

Restaurants typically create a QR code for their digital menu, which can be printed or displayed on a table tent or wall poster.

To access the menu, customer scans the displayed QR code using their smartphone’s camera. This will bring up a webpage on their phone that displays the restaurant’s digital menu. From there, customers can get access to the menu and place their orders, without needing to handle a physical menu or wait for a server’s assistance. The entire contactless ordering experience is seamless, user-friendly process that enhances the dining experience.

qr code on table

Benefits of Using A QR Code Restaurant Menu

1. Increase Cost Efficiency and Reduce Environmental Effects

By adopting QR menus, restaurants can significantly reduce printing costs associated with traditional paper menus. As a result, not only is it more cost-effective, but it also has a positive impact on the environment by reducing paper waste. The ease of setting up a QR code menu further contributes to its cost efficiency.

2. Improve Efficiency by Turning Tables Faster and Reducing Wait Times

  • Faster Ordering: QR code menus enable customers to quickly access the menu, make their selections, and place orders without waiting for a server. This reduces wait times and allows restaurants to turn tables more efficiently.
  • Social Distancing: In the era of COVID-19, many restaurants are striving to maintain social distancing practices. QR menus facilitate this by minimizing the need for close interaction between customers and staff during the ordering process.

3. Easily Update Your Menu

QR code menus can be easily updated without incurring additional printing costs. This allows restaurants to change menus frequently, add seasonal items, or update pricing as needed, resulting in a more dynamic dining experience.

4. Better Menu Design and Food Images

Digital menus allow for more creative and visually appealing designs, including high-quality food images that can get customers attention and entice them to order more. This enhanced presentation of menu options provides a more engaging and user friendly customer experience.

5. Enhance Customer Experience

QR menus offer a more interactive and friendly customer experience by allowing diners to:

  • Scan codes and browse the menu at their own pace
  • Access additional information about menu items
  • Place orders without waiting for the server

6. Increase Revenue

Customers typically spend more when they order digitally. Partly because you can showcase delicious visuals of the dishes you offer in your digital menu. Customers will be drawn in by the tantalizing photos, giving them an irresistible reason to order more!

Another reason is that QR code menus offer great upselling and cross-selling opportunities. The menu can automatically suggest drink pairings, side dishes, appetizers, and more.

7. Online Ordering System

QR code menus can be easily integrated into online ordering systems, providing customers with a seamless way to place orders for delivery or pickup. This additional sales channel can help boost revenue for restaurants and bars.

8. Improve Ordering Accuracy

Digital menus reduce the likelihood of miscommunication between customers and servers, leading to more accurate orders and fewer mistakes. This not only enhances the dining experience but also minimizes food waste and associated costs.

9. Improve Customer and Staff Safety

  • Contactless Service for Improved Hygiene: QR code menus promote a more hygienic restaurant environment by eliminating the need for shared physical menus, and limit the spread of communicable diseases.
  • COVID-19 Response and Long-term Implications: The pandemic has highlighted the importance of contactless solutions in the hospitality industry. QR code menus provide a practical and long-lasting response to these concerns, even beyond the current crisis.

10. Use Fewer Staff Members

By streamlining the ordering process, QR code menus may reduce the number of staff needed for taking orders, enabling restaurants to allocate resources more effectively and potentially lower labor costs.

11. Boosting Social Media Presence and Marketing

  • Linking QR Code Menus to Social Media Platforms: QR menus can be easily linked to a restaurant’s social media pages, encouraging customers to engage with the brand and share their experiences.
  • Encouraging User-generated Content and Reviews: By creating a more visually appealing and user-friendly menu, QR code menus may encourage customers to share photos and reviews of their dining experiences, further boosting a restaurant’s online presence.

12. Collect Customer Data and Feedback

Digital menus provide an opportunity for restaurants to collect valuable customer data and feedback, helping them refine their offerings and better tailor their marketing efforts. By analyzing the data gathered through QR code menu interactions, restaurants can gain insights into customer preferences and make informed decisions to enhance their dining experience.

Implementing QR Code for a Restaurant Menu

Choosing the Right Digital Menu QR Code Generator

Selecting a reliable Digital Menu QR Code Generator is crucial for creating a seamless virtual menu experience. Many restaurants opt for online ordering system like Menubly that cater specifically to the foodservice industry, providing tailored solutions for designing and generating QR code menus.

Creating an Interactive and Mobile-Friendly QR Code Menu

To create an engaging and user-friendly QR code menu, follow these steps:

  1. Using Menubly to create a visually appealing menu which is optimized for all devices, offering a responsive and smooth browsing experience
  2. Add high-quality images, detailed descriptions for your dishes
  3. Add logo and select colors to match your brand identity
  4. Test the QR code to verify that it directs customers to the correct menu page when scanned.
  5. Download the QR code and add it to your table tent design.

For more detailed guidance, visit How to Make a QR Code Menu on Menubly’s blog.

Ensuring Proper Placement and Visibility of QR Codes

To make it easy for customers to access your QR code menu, be mindful of the following:

  1. Display the QR code prominently on table tents, tabletop signs, or even window decals, ensuring it’s easily visible and accessible.
  2. Include clear instructions on how to scan the code and access the menu. This can be especially helpful for customers who are new to using QR codes.
  3. Regularly inspect and clean the QR code displays to maintain their readability and functionality.

By carefully selecting the right QR code generator, designing an engaging mobile-friendly menu, and ensuring proper placement of the QR codes, restaurants can elevate the dining experience, making it more efficient and enjoyable for their patrons in the post-COVID era.


As we have explored, QR code menus offer a multitude of benefits, including increased cost efficiency, improved customer experience, and enhanced safety in a post-COVID world. The ease with which customers can scan and access virtual menus, coupled with the ability of restaurants to quickly update and adapt their offerings, makes QR code menus a powerful tool for modern dining establishments. As technology continues to evolve and customer preferences shift toward more contactless and convenient experiences, QR code menus are poised to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of dining experiences worldwide.